Wednesday, October 4, 2023

The Perfect Storm: Buy T-bonds, Buy Gold, Sell Stocks, Sell the Dollar

Just a quick note today regarding the next big wave in the U.S. Financial Markets.

Despite a 500 basis point hike in its Fed Funds interest rate over the last two years, the Federal Reserve continues to saber rattle on the hawkish side for its monetary policy. 

The yields on the 10-year Treasury Note and the 30-year Treasury Bond are both near 5% now, and U.S. 30-year mortgage rates are approaching 8% now.

And even though the U.S. domestic inflation rate has fallen from over 9% a year ago to near 3% now, the Fed remains hawkish with its rhetoric and with its monetary policy actions.

In the not so distance past, economists were generally in agreement that changes in monetary policy had at least a 6-month to 9-month lag in terms of its full impact on the economy. However, this Federal Reserve seems unwilling to wait 6 to 9 months for anything, and instead is dead set on breaking the back of inflation WITHOUT the obvious negative potential impact on the economy.

I see the current state of affairs as a perfect storm ahead of a major inflexion point.

U.S. stock prices have weakened recently, and I think they will continue to weaken over the next several quarters, at least.

U.S. Treasury yields are probably at or near their peak for this cycle, which means Treasury prices (especially on the long end) will probably soon begin a major bull market.

As the economy weakens, led by a dismal real estate market and a financially stressed consumer, foreign exchange traders will begin dumping U.S. dollars in full expectation of a reversal in Federal Reserve policy.

And when the U.S. economy crumbles (in direct response to its overly tight monetary policy), the Fed will "blink" and begin cutting interest rates in an attempt to avoid a full blown economic recession.

As the Federal Reserve signals a change in monetary policy, Gold and Silver prices will soar, with precious metals mining stocks poised to double and triple over the next six months.

For tracking purposes, here are the closing prices of the key ETFs and Indexes on the afternoon this post was written (October 4, 2023):

S&P 500 ETF (symbol SPY)    424.66    (Moderately Bearish is the Forecast)

U.S. Long Treasury Bond ETF (20+ Years - symbol TLT)    86.26  (Bullish is the Forecast)

Gold ETF (symbol GLD) 169.14     (Bullish is the Forecast)

Silver ETF (symbol SLV)     19.31    (Bullish is the Forecast)

U.S. Dollar Index (symbol DXY)    106.80    (Bearish is the Forecast)

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