Thursday, May 30, 2019

May 2019 Marks The Official End To The Great Bull Market in U.S. Stocks!

Extremely rare monthly chart sell signals have been triggered by my computer trading system in the following benchmark U.S. stock market indexes:

S&P 500 Index
Russell 2000 Index
NY Composite Index

Monthly chart signals in my computer trading system are incredibly accurate and should almost never be faded.

The 10-year bull market in the U.S. stock market is over! While it's clear now that May 2019 will now go into the record books as negative for stock market investors, what's not clear at this time is how deep the bear market correction will go or how long this bear market will last. My feeling is that the damage to most U.S. equity prices will be significant and that most major indexes will lose more than 20% this year. And I also believe that the eventual bear market low may represent a loss of more than 40% from top to bottom.

However, while the average U.S. stock is expected to lose more than 40% over the next 18 months, precious metals mining shares were standout winners today and they are likely to be standout winners in a sea of red for at least the next several quarters. The price of gold is forecast to rally to near $1,500/oz by year-end 2019 and the price of silver is forecast to soar to near $18/oz during this same period. These gains amount to +15% and +25%, respectively from current levels over the next seven months.

Junior Gold Mining Shares ETF (GDXJ) Daily Chart

New York Composite Index Monthly Chart with Computer-generated Buy & Sell Signals

Russell 2000 Index Monthly Chart with Computer-generated Buy & Sell Signals

S&P 500 Index Monthly Chart with Computer-generated Buy & Sell Signals

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Precious Metals Mining Stocks - Daily Chart Buy Signals Triggered

Just a quick note tonight relating to gold, silver, and precious metals mining stocks.

Unlike the average U.S. stock, which has mostly posted a stellar gain this year so far, precious metals in general and related mining stocks in particular have been miserable holdings for investors, especially since their 2019 intra-day highs as posted on February 20th. Since that key date, the benchmark gold ETF (symbol GLD) is down 5.8%. The benchmark silver ETF (symbol SLV) is down 11.4%. While these red numbers clearly stand out in the sea of green posted by the average U.S. stock this year, the investment returns for gold and silver mining shares are even worse. The Junior Gold Stock ETF (symbol GDXJ) is actually down 19.5% since its intra-day high on February 20th to this morning's intra-day low. And the Silver Mining Stock ETF (symbol SIL) posted a staggering 20.9% loss for this same period.

Is there any hope for this crippled sector right now? The answer may very well be a strong YES!

Daily chart buy signals were triggered by my computer trading system at today's close in the follow precious metals mining shares and related precious metals mining indexes and ETFs:

Philadelphia Gold/Silver Stock Index (symbol XAU)
Junior Gold Mining Shares ETF (symbol GDXJ)
Silver Mining Shares ETF (symbol SIL)
First Majestic (Gold & Silver mining stock - symbol AG)
Coeur D'Alene (Gold & Silver mining stock - symbol CDE)
Hecla Mining (Silver mining stock - symbol HL)
Pan American Mining Co (Silver mining stock - symbol PAAS)
SSR Mining Co (Gold & Silver mining stock - symbol SSRM)

Philadelphia Gold/Silver Mining Stock Index (XAU) with Buy & Sell Signals

Silver Mining Stocks ETF (SIL) Daily Chart with Computer-generated Buy & Sell Signals

Junior Gold Mining Stocks ETF (GDXJ) Daily Chart with Computer-generated Buy & Sell Signals