Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Daily Chart Sell Signals - Key Downside Reversal Day!

Just a quick note this evening...

It is my strong view that today represented a key downside reversal day in the U.S. stock market. Daily Chart Sell Signals were triggered by my computer trading system in the following major U.S. stock indices:

NY Composite Index
S&P 500 Index
S&P 100 Index
Russell 2000 Index
Dow Jones Transportation Index

And Daily Chart Sell Signals were triggered in the following sector ETF's:


And a Daily Chart Sell Signal was triggered in my own FAANG Composite Index.

Bottom line: A major decline in the U.S. stock market probably began today! Traders and Investors can probably expect the closely watched 200-day moving average line in most major benchmark indexes to be convincingly broken on the downside over the very near term as a correction of at least 20% unfolds over the next several months!

NY Composite Index with 200-day Moving Average Line

Russell 2000 Index with 200-Day Moving Average Line

S&P 500 Index with 200-Day Moving Average Line

Dow Jones Transportation Average with 200-Day Moving Average Line

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