Sunday, July 2, 2017

Official Monthly Chart Sell Signal Triggered in the Nasdaq Composite Index !!

It's official !

A monthly chart sell signal has been triggered by my computer trading system in the Nasdaq Composite Index, the first sell signal in this key stock market barometer since July 2007 !!

Official monthly chart sell signals have also been triggered in the following key stocks, ETF's, and indexes: NDX, SOX, QQQ, SMH, RTH, XLU, AMAT, CLX, CMCSA, COR, CRUS, FLEX, KLAC, LVLT, MCHP, MAR, MSFT, NFLX, SBUX, SO, TXN, VMW, and XLNX among others.

At year-end December 31st, 2017, when most major U.S. stock market indexes are down 20% or more, traders and investors will see several dozen key warning signs "in the rear view mirror", but one of the primary bearish drivers will clearly be seen as the loss of central bank monetary support from the U.S. Federal Reserve and other major central banks on a global basis. While potential "black swans" could easily exacerbate the bear market decline that has already begun to unfold, the seeds for this major correction ahead have already been sowed.

Nasdaq Composite Index Monthly Chart with Computer-generated Buy & Sell Signals

Microsoft (MSFT) Monthly Chart with Computer-generated Buy & Sell Signals

Micron Technology (MU) Weekly Chart with Computer-generated Buy & Sell Signals

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