Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Daily Chart Sell Signals Triggered In Several Major U.S. Stock Indices Today

Daily chart sell signals were triggered by my computer trading system in the following major U.S. stock indices at today's NY close:

1. Nasdaq Composite Index
2. S&P 500 Stock Index (and the SPY ETF)
3. S&P 100 Stock Index
4. Dow Jones Industrial Average (and the DIA ETF)

Sector index sell signals were triggered in:

1. Philadelphia Bank Index (BKX)
2. Housing Index (HGX)
3. NDX-100 (NDX) (and the QQQ)
4. Philadelphia Semiconductor Index (SOX)

Single-stock sell signals were triggered in AIG, BMY, CVX, DHI, E, FITB, FTR, GWRE, HAL, INTC JBHT, KEY, LLTC, LLY, MET, MRK, MSFT, NVDA, PRU, SF, SMH, TM, TOL, USB, and XLNX.

Here is the daily chart of the Nasdaq Composite Index:

Nasdaq Composite Daily Chart with Computer-based Buy & Sell Signals

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