Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Special Update: Daily Chart Buy Signals Triggered In Gold Today !

Daily chart buy signals were triggered by my computer trading system today in the following Gold, Silver, and precious metals related investments:

Gold ETF (symbol GLD)

Philaladelphia Gold/Silver Mining Shares Index (symbol XAU)

Gold (major) Mining Shares ETF (symbol GDX)
Gold (junior) Mining Shares ETF (symbol GDXJ)
Silver (junior) Mining Shares ETF (symbol SILJ)

First Majestic Silver (symbol AG)
Yamaha Gold (symbol AUY)
Endeavour Silver (symbol EXK)
Goldcorp (symbol GG)
Primero Gold (symbol PPP)

In the interest of full disclosure, I am long EXK and PPP from the above list of mining shares. I purchased PPP at last Friday's close, and I purchased EXK this morning. I am also short the S&P 500 Index on a ratio of 6 to 1 against my gold and silver shares ($6 short for every $1 long). I shorted the S&P 500 at last Friday's close.

Here are two representative charts from this sector:

Gold ETF (symbol GLD) Daily Chart with Computer-generated Buy & Sell Signals

Gold ETF (symbol GLD) Monthly Chart with Computer-generated Buy & Sell Signals

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