Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Is the U.S. Dollar Vulnerable?

Just a short note here today.

I am wondering why the U.S. Dollar Index isn't stronger lately. Federal Reserve Governors seem to be going out of their way recently to reaffirm the Fed's "Tapering" plan as laid out in the last FOMC meeting. In fact, some Fed Governors are actually calling for tapering at twice the expected $10 billion per month pace, which should be extremely bullish for the U.S. Dollar.

If foreign exchange traders really believed this hawkish rhetoric, then the U.S. Dollar would be powering ahead in a major bull market advance.

So why has my proprietary computer trading program generated a daily chart sell signal today?

Bottom Line: The mighty U.S. Dollar looks vulnerable to me. I suspect that sellers are poised to act and that a major bear trend is about to get underway here.

U.S. Dollar Index Daily Bart Chart with Computer-generated Buy & Sell Signals
U.S. Dollar Index Weekly Bar Chart with Computer-generated Buy & Sell Signals
U.S. Dollar Index Monthly Bar Chart with Computer-generated Buy & Sell Signals

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